Metis Storage Layer Benefits Community & Builders

4 min readApr 12, 2022

Our new decentralized storage is used for rollup data and fraud-proof challenge processes, so a much larger number of transactions can be rolled up at once, resulting in a significant reduction of transaction costs — from a cost of about $2-$3 just a few months ago to 2 cents and 19 cents for a swap, at the time of this article!

The new IPFS-like distributed storage solution supports all types of API frameworks for easy integration with DApps that would like to leverage the benefits of native storage on Metis’ Layer 2 network.

At Metis Andromeda, we prioritize our users and our partners, which is precisely the reason why we are so excited. The decentralized storage is a major, solid step in the right direction for Metis Andromeda. This new development will not only create a wider community engagement, but also directly benefit the network efficiency. In this short article, we will cover many of the benefits that will be enjoyed by both: builders and users.

Lower Gas Fees

The implementation of the Decentralized storage will not only improve performance, but will also make it more economic through the reduction of gas…

