Tech Update — February 2023

1 min readMar 19, 2023


Tech Updates for Metis Andromeda during 2023

Hey hey, Metisians👋🌿

We hope you’ve had a great start for your 2023. ICYMI, and are trying to get up to date with what our developers have been up to: January Tech Update

Now. let’s shed some light on our February progress of L2 development. Today we won’t keep you here for long!

What was completed?

  • The settlement of plans regarding transaction batching mechanism of the Bedrock update;

L2 Geth updates

Our team:

  • Optimized the restrictions of the batched RPC requests to prevent L2 Geth from processing the CPU and memory resources from being overconsumed;
  • Added the length function for log.memory attribute in the tracer logger;

Here is what we aiming for short-term:

  • Changing the sequencer batch method of the Bedrock upgrade;
  • Changing the L2 epoch timing of the Bedrock upgrade;
  • Resolving the problems related to L1 block reorganizations;

Long term plans

The long term plans of our development team haven’t changed and won’t change in the near future. These plans are:

  • Decentralizing the sequencer
  • Adding the switching mechanism and contracts.

That’s been it for now, stay tuned for the March Tech Update⚡️

Originally published at

